Body Clock Tuning

The Earth day, the Earth year, and the lunar cycle are timers for internal biological rhythms in humans and animals. As our current way of life increasingly runs counter to our biological clock, research in this area has become increasingly significant. The branch of Life science that deals with the "internal clock" is Chronobiology (from ancient Greek chrónos 'time').
Chronobiology has nothing to do with esoteric bioryhthmology.
The three chronobiological rhythms
The earth day is the timer of the circadian rhythms (from lat. circa ‚about‘ and dies ‚day‘)
> click here
The earth year is the clock of the circannual rhythms (from lat. annus ‚year‘)
> click here
The moon determines the beat of the circalunar rhythms (from lat. luna ‚moon‘)
> click here
A sonopuncture is a micro-massage with the vibration frequency of a tuning fork. The tuning fork is placed on the body to 'massage' the respective point with the tuning frequency. It can be used intuitively for stimulation, calming or meditation and also therapeutically, for example to relieve pain. Like acupressure or acupuncture, it can be performed by experienced healers in a very targeted manner and continued at home as instructed.
Sonopuncture vs. acupuncture
- Acupuncture with needles is a strictly therapeutic procedure and must only be applied by trained and qualified acupuncturists. In acupuncture, it is essential to be able to locate the respective points very precisely, whereas the vibration of a tuning fork placed on the body spreads out from the point of application in such a way that the frequency finds the meridian end point on its own, even if the point is not hit exactly.
- Sonopuncture is a non-invasive procedure (from Latin invadere 'to penetrate') and is suitable for people who are afraid of needle pricks. It can also be used for wellness and preventive purposes.
- The tuning fork handle can be gently pressed on the skin at the respective body points, but the vibration is just as noticeable and effective when there is light clothing material in between.
- Specific frequencies trigger specific resonances and thus specific effects.
Medical scientific studies on sonopuncture, also called phonopuncture or phonophoresis, are not yet available, but if there are any frequencies that can be considered for body-therapeutic sonopuncture, then it’s the chronobiological ones, which are transposed into the audible range of the sound spectrum using the octave law: the earth day 194.18 Hz, the earth year 136.10 Hz and the moon cycle 210.42 Hz.
Information about the tuning forks and their handling can be found > here.
The circadian rhythm and the octave tone of the earth rotation

As a result of the earth rotation, we experience day and night. This affects the organism of humans and many animals. Normally, daytime activities are followed by sleep at night. And even if it is the other way around for nocturnal people, sleep comes daily, with rare exceptions. Melatonin, a sleep-promoting hormone, plays a major role here. It is increasingly produced during prolonged darkness by the pineal gland, which has a neural connection to the eye.
Circadian rhythms have also been observed in individual cells. Three chronobiologists deciphered circadian rhythmicity in molecular mechanisms of Drosophila melanogaster, a family of flies, and were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2017. Many source references on the study of circadian rhythmicity are provided by Wikipedia.
Sonopuncture with the octave tone of the earth day 194.18 Hz has been shown to have a stimulating effect. In an Amsterdam sex establishment two pieces of music of the music album "Urtöne 1" by Joachim Ernst Berendt were tested. Both recordings of the sounds of a monochord played without melody and rhythm differed only in the tone frequency. Without knowing which frequencies were involved, the ladies reported that one recording had a pre-orgasmic stimulating effect on their clients and the other a post-orgasmic relaxing effect. The first was tuned to the octave tone of the earth day, the other to the earth year; see page 56 in the PDF of the book Die Oktave by Hans Cousto.
Ivan Lucic and Karl W. Kratky at the University of Vienna studied photon emission from mycelial cultures of the fungus Psilocybe cubensis which were treated for 13 days with sound waves at an octave frequency of the earth day. Increased growth was seen compared to untreated control samples; see

The stimulating effect of the 194.18 Hz frequency can also be used to increase well-being in the case of quite everyday needs.
For example, massaging the points LI 19 and LI 20 with the 194.10 Hz tuning fork can not only relieve a stuffy nose, but also favorably influence occasional constipation and constipation of the bowels. Those who want to restore their sense of smell after a covid-19 infection can also try sonopuncture of these points.
Treating the point ST 36 at 194.18 Hz can help strengthen the center and the Wei-Qi (the body’s “defensive power” in TCM terms). For longevity, Chinese doctors recommend daily self-treatment of this point using acupressure or moxibustion - so why not sonopuncture?
LI 20: In a dimple next to the nostril.
LI 19: Below the lateral edge of the nostril.
ST 36: Four finger widths below the kneecap, between the tibia and the anterior tibial muscle.
In all cases, the vibrating tuning fork is placed on the respective point and held until it has almost come to a standstill. Then the tuning fork is struck again and placed on the same point or the point combined with it. The treatment of a point or a combination of points can be repeated three to five times. The treatment should last a total of about 15 to 20 minutes.
The circannual rhythm and the octave tone of the earth year

Internal biological rhythms of one year are mainly related to the duration of daylight in the respective seasons: much sunlight in summer, little in winter. The associated temperatures and the regionally available food affect biological processes such as reproduction, hibernation or animal migration.
The importance of annual rhythms for human life and well-being has been known to Chinese medicine for thousands of years.
Transposed into the audible range by the octave law, the earth year has a frequency of 136.10 Hz. There is an interesting analogy to a frequency given in human biology (if not in other living beings): The potassium-sodium ion exchange of the nerve cells causes an electric field in the nervous system that produces the normal "operating voltage" of 70 millivolts at rest. At busy normal operation, one potassium ion is pumped into the cell every 136th of a second and about 200 sodium ions are pumped out of the cell every second. (C.F. Stevens, The Nerve Cell, in Brain and Nervous System; p. 5 Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Heidelberg 1985).
Phenomenally, classical Indian sitar music is often tuned exactly in the earth year tone C# 136.10 Hz - but without the use of a tuning fork or any other calibrated tuning device. The musicians are in meditative contemplation in a state from which this tone frequency emerges by itself. Also, when people naturally chant the primal sound OM in a medidative state, it is often exactly in this frequency. In the book "My Music, My Life", the famous Indian sitar player Ravi Shankar describes the fundamental Sadja - the father of the other tones - as somewhat lower than the occidental C sharp. The concert pitch A which corresponds to the earth year C sharp is 432 Hz and, thus, slightly deeper than the concert pitch of 440 Hz which is usually used by orchestras nowadays.
An analogy can also be observed in sound and color effects: Applying tuning forks, sound instruments and music in the earth year tone usually has the same calming effect as the color blue-green corresponding to this frequency.

Placing an earth year tuning fork (C#, 136.10 Hz) on the acupuncture point RE 17 is perceived as very pleasant by all the people I have been allowed to treat with sonopuncture so far. This treatment is perceived as harmonizing and liberating and can counteract occasional heartburn, belching and bloating.
The treatment of Liver Qi stagnation, which is very common in Chinese medicine and is usually accompanied by irritability, dejection, listlessness and a kind of heaviness on the chest, can be supported by alternately treating the points LI 4 and LV 3 with the tuning fork (if necessary and with the assistance of another person, also simultaneously with two tuning forks of the same frequency).
RE 17: Approximately in the middle of the breastbone at the level of the nipples.
LI 4: On the outside of the hand where the thumb and index finger meet.
LV 3: On the back of the foot between the first and second metatarsal bones.
One way to accurately locate a point on your own body is to palpate the most pressure-sensitive area or a hole-like indentation in the described area (the Chinese speak of "acupuncture holes" rather than points).
The circalunar rhythm and the octave tone of the synodic month

Timer of the body's circalunar rhythm is the synodic cycle of the moon phases from new moon to new moon, or, respectively, from full moon to full moon.
Due to the mutual forces of attraction of the sun and the moon, their positions relative to the earth determine the tides of the oceans. Many creatures’ biology is adapted accordingly. For example, marine animals have been observed mating at full moon or species laying eggs in time with the spring tides that occur at full and new moon.
Circalunar ovulation in females is a prerequisite for fertilization by a sperm and the birth of new life. Mostly unconsciously, men react to the changed body odor of women, caused by an increased pheromone production during ovulation. For example, striptease dancers receive twice as much tip money during their fertile days than otherwise (Geoffrey Miller, University of New Mexico, in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior).
Be it by coincidence or not, Mozart's piano was tuned very precisely to the octave tone of the full moon cycle, as shown by a tuning fork preserved by his piano maker. Full moon rises when the sun sets and reflects sunlight onto the earth throughout the night. At a time without electric lighting, it was the full moon that invited people to party all night to Mozart's music. In his opera "The Magic Flute," the Queen of the Night gives Prince Tamino a precisely tuned golden flute by means of which he is to free her daughter Pamina, who has been kidnapped by the gods. Who else but the full moon is Queen of the Night?

So many women suffer from menstrual disorders that associated pain and irregularities are almost considered "normal". From the point of view of Chinese medicine, however, a harmonious, carefree menstrual cycle is the ultimate expression of the Yin-Yang concept and, thus, desirable. A timely, painless onset of menstruation can be supported, for example, by treating the points LV 5 and LV 6 with the Synodic Moon tuning fork (tone G#, 210.42 Hz).
The combined treatment of the points KI 3and HT 7 with the Synodic Moon tuning fork can help calming the mind and promoting sleep. It may also favorably influence anxiety and exhaustion.
As far as the Kidney meridian is concerned, which starts at point KI 1, I notice in practice again and again that this decisive connection to our "roots" and our original energy is often blocked on one or both sides. Especially elderly people do not feel the vibration of the moon tuning fork there at first and it also quickly fades away. Striking the vibrating tuning fork repeatedly along the Kidney meridian from KI 1 upwards to about point KI 8 usually opens the meridian quite rapidly. If the person then suddenly feels the vibration up to about loin level, they react with exclamations of delight."
HT 7: In the indentation between the outside edge of the hand and the ulna.
LV 5: Seven finger widths above the tip of the medial malleolus on the medial border of tibia.
LV 6: Three thumb widths above LV 5, above the tip of the medial malleolus, on the medial aspect and near the medial border of the Tibia.
KI 1: In the middle of the sole of the foot in the indentation between the metatarsophalangeal joint and the outer edge of the foot.
KI 3: In the indentation between the inside of the ankle joint and the Achilles tendon.
KI 8: Three thumb widths above the tip of the medial malleolus, behind to the medial border of the tibia.
Note on expert therapy
These examples for (self-) treatment represent only a very small part of the many possibilities of applying sonopuncture according to the theory of TCM or even quite intuitively. They should only serve as a first inspiration. You can learn more on how to locate the points precisely from expert TCM therapists.
In principle, none of the symptoms listed should give the impression that they are based on a healing promise on our part through sonopuncture or that relief or improvement of a disease state can be guaranteed or promised. The presentation of medical correlations in this information deviate (in part) from the generally accepted state of science. It is up to the individual reader to decide for themselves as to how the presented treatment methods may or may not serve as an alternative or supplement to the usual conventional medical treatment. All information provided is for informational purposes only. They are not intended to replace therapy by a licensed and qualified doctor, naturopath or practitioner of complementary and alternative medicine.

Anne Baumgart is a licenced practitioner of Integrative Chinese medicine and a Yang Sheng Health Coach with her own private practice in the center of Munich. Since 2015, she has been using Chinese medicine to help people with pain, sleep disorders, exhaustion and inner turmoil to sustainably integrate the art of self-care into their everyday lives and thus experience a significant increase in energy, vitality and satisfaction.
In addition to acupuncture, herbal medicine, and therapeutic massage, Anne Baumgart also uses sound therapy tools and instruments in her treatments. For several years she has participated in healing concerts and musical encounters in places such as Munich, Rothenburg, Offenbach, and Cesky Krumlov. As a trained translator and medical writer, Anne Baumgart combines language and communication with her heartfelt topics of health and Chinese medicine.
In his book "Gesund trotz Corona - Der Weg zum schlauen Immunsystem" (Healthy despite Corona - The way to a smart immune system), Dr. med. Achim Eckert describes, among other topics, the Tao sonopuncture developed by him and for which he recommends the three tuning frequencies presented here.
Dr. Eckert learned acupuncture, shiatsu and Buddhist meditation in Sri Lanka and India, as well as structural fascial work and body-oriented psychotherapy in California and Oregon. From 1992 to 1995, he led a study on the psychic spectrum of effects of acupuncture points. A Vienna-based physician, researcher and author of several textbooks, he developed Tao sonopuncture and Hin Deo fascial work, which stimulates the flow of energy in the body (qi) at deep and chronic blockages, making sonopuncture, acupressure and acupuncture more effective.